Characteristics Of Reverend Hale In The Crucible

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The Crucible Essay A building, a book, simple words grouped together; a feeling, a belief, a way of being. Religion is a simple word tied to a complex way of living. Many think of religion as a perfect, beautiful entity. Although it may be beautiful to those who believe, it is not perfect. In Arthur Miller’s, The Crucible, Reverend Hale, a priest from the town of Beverly who had specialized in demonic arts, was introduced as an optimistic man who was confident he would rid a small town of a dark cloud that lingered above their Christian ways. This dynamic character went from being a devoted, confident man of God, to a man who simply lost faith in his very own perfect religion. Before Reverend Hale was sent to rescue the town of Salem, a…show more content…
Abigail was a young woman infatuated with the towns’ outcast, John Proctor, a married man. The two were found committing the crime of adultery several months prior. As Reverend Hale’s character came into the limelight, his optimism and strong faith towards his Christian religion was displayed through his words, actions, and emotions. In a frustrated state of panic, gathered in a small bedroom located on the top floor in Reverend Parris’ house, a few village people and Reverend Hale accuse Tituba, a slave, of witchcraft and place blame on her soul for the sickness of Reverend Parris’ daughter, Betty. It is then that Reverend Hale confidently preaches to Tituba about the supposed demonic possessions dwelling within the girls’ soul, “Look at her God-given innocence; her soul is so tender; we must protect her Tituba; the Devil is out and preying on her like a beast upon the flesh of the pure lamb” (Miller 50). By referring to the pure, innocent, immature animal, Reverend Hale compares what he believes to be a good Christian girl to a tender lamb being picked on and bruised by a devilish bully. Following this statement, Tituba decides to give a false confession to save her life, although she had
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