Martin Luther Essay

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“Martin Luther… is one of the few men of whom it may be said that the history of the world was profoundly altered by his work. Not an organizer or politician, he moved men by the power of a profoundly religious faith resulting in unshakable trust in God… Whether honored or opposed none can deny his preeminent place in the history of the church.” Changing the world is something that can only be accomplished by few people. One of these few people was Martin Luther. Without Martin Luther, some things in this world would still be in the same. This quote states that he was “one of the few men of whom it may be said that the history of the world was profoundly altered by his work”. This is true because without Martin Luther this world would not have the Lutheran religion, we still might have indulgences and we might not have the Protestant religion. The Protestant religion has nine main branches of their religion; Lutheranism, Anglicanism, Episcopalian, Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Calvinism, Presbyterian and Reformed. If it weren’t for Martin Luther, we wouldn’t have all of these branches of the Protestant religion. Also this quote states, “Not an organizer or politician, he moved men by the power of a profoundly religious faith resulting in unshakable trust in God…” This shows us that Martin Luther didn’t persuade people by organizing meetings or telling the people of the city lies, he showed people the wrongs of the Catholic Church, which sparked a new religion. Also, Martin Luther’s actions began the Reformation. Once Luther nailed his 95 Thesis to the castle church in Wittenberg, his words were copied and printed, and they were known all over Germany. The Reformation led to the founding of Christian churches that did not accept the pope’s authority. Luther wanted to reform the Church. Not only did he not agree with the indulgences, he also disagreed with
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