Martin Luther Vs Erasmus

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During the 16th century, the Protestant Reformation took place. The reformation caused a split within Western Christianity, which was started by a few famous Protestants. These reformers protested against the doctrines, rules, and rituals of the Roman Catholic Church. After much protesting, the reformers created new national Protestant churches. Many factors led to the rise of Protestantism, for example, events like the Black Death and the Western Schism. The most crucial factors were the reformers themselves. Two of the most famous reformers were Martin Luther and Desiderius Erasmus. Luther was a German priest who found the ways of the Roman Catholic Church to be corrupt, he fought the church until he was named an outlaw by the emperor, and shunned by the pope. Erasmus was a Dutch Renaissance humanist, and Catholic priest. Erasmus felt strongly about humanism, which led him to reform the Catholic Church from within. The most influential man in the Reformation of the Roman Catholic Church was Martin Luther. With Luther's strong and abrasive personality, he picked up his pen to spread the truth about the corruptions of the Catholic Church. Luther spoke out against clerical celibacy, papal abuses, salvation by works, and other Catholic doctrines. Luther proves to be the better reformer because of his full commitment to reformation. He did not involve himself with the teachings and rituals of the Catholics, within his writings and words he tore down what he found corrupt. Erasmus on the other hand was a Catholic priest, even though he wanted to reform, there was still a part that did not want to fight the church upfront because of his role. Erasmus tried to find a middle road approach, but this only disappointed scholars from both sides. Many reformers believed that Erasmus was a coward and has forsaken the gospel since he chose not to follow Luther. Even though
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