Scarlet Letter Question Analysis

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Scarlet Letter Journals Journal Question #1: How does this story reflect the characteristics of the Romanticism period? Throughout The Scarlet Letter, the characteristic of emotion reveals itself. Dimmesdale does not confess that he is the father of Pearl, and that he is Hester’s partner in adultery. He begins to be filled with misery, utter despair and slowly begins to die over time from the guilt and pain he is being eaten alive by. As a result from Hester’s dedication to paying for her sin by wearing the “A” upon her breast, strength begins to fill her day by day. She is renewed with the new sense of self determination and self-strength that encourages her to proceed to wear the “A” even when society gains respect for her. Journal Question # 8: What sin is the “worst” according to Hawthorne? According to Nathaniel Hawthorne, the worst sin committed would not only be the adultery that was performed but also the fact that Dimmesdale didn’t open his sin to the world when he took part in the adultery, which makes some argue that his sin is worse than Hester’s. He was continuously preaching about the importance of repentance and forgiveness while his own secret sin was eating at his soul. This, coincidentally, adds hypocrisy and deceit to his horrid sin. Journal Question # 6: Is Pearl a “typical child” or a “demon child? Support your answer. Townspeople often called Pearl a demon child because of her absurd behavior. Hester believes that Pearl was sent to her from God as a gift of joy and, oppositely, utter torture. When they both go to the governor’s mansion, the men gathered there ask Pearl to answer the simple question “Who made you” and Pearl couldn’t even do this simple task. The men took this as she has been exposed to the devil and doesn’t know God personally even though Hester says she teaches her Christianity and its’ values. Even though she
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