A Prayer For Owen Meany Summary

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A Prayer For Owen Meany Summary II (Pg. 309 – Pg. 617) John Wheelwright writing from his home in Toronto, Canada takes the reader on an extraordinary journey of unwavering friendship and belief in God. Owen Meany is a very bizarre boy due to his diminutive size and high voice comes from a low class family that runs a granite quarry. Reverend Louis Merrill is the doubt-plagued Congregationalist minister in Gravesend, who often speaks to Owen about matters of religious faith. At the end of the book, John learns that the Rev. Merrill is his father. Randy White is the headmaster at Gravesend Academy, which John and Owen attend, is responsible for the expulsion of Owen from the school which promptly results in his own dismissal. Hester Eastman is John’s cousin is Owen’s girlfriend. Larry Lish is the boy responsible for leading to Owens expulsion by revealing that Owen made fake ID’s. Dick Jarvits is a sadistic 15 year old boy whole sole purpose is to kill any Vietnamese person he can and kills Owen Meany in the process. These characters play pivotal roles that form the basis of the story. The narrator, John Wheelwright writing in 1987…show more content…
When Owen’s baseball hit killed John’s mother Owen suffered from a Man vs. Himself conflict. Another conflict that remains prevalent throughout the story is the conflict of Man vs. God, John and Reverend Merrill in particular lost their faith in God and started to question his existence however Owens unwavering faith held them all together and in the end all their faiths were restored. Faith vs. Doubt is the basic theme of the novel. Owen is obsessed with his belief and faith in God, he believes that all that happens is God’s will, be it happy or tragic. John on the other hand is filled with doubt and questions God’s existence. He learns to believe in God mostly through Owens faith, a case similar to Rev.

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