Cesar Chavez Hero

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The Merriam-Webster definition for hero: A hero is a person, typically a man, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements or noble qualities. Some characteristics of a hero are bravery, determination and willing to sacrifice for others. Cesar Chavez is a hero because he was brave enough to take on important farming companies, he was determined to get rights for farm workers, and willing to sacrifice himself so that other people could get rights to work for more wages and security. A hero in people's minds is a normal person that is acknowledged for his accomplishments or deeds. Heroes surround us. Twenty percent of people are more likely to become heroes. Heroes appear when there are people in need. Those people have past experiences that are more likely to trigger senses to help someone in need. Heroic action is engaged in voluntarily, conducted to service one or more people and involves risk to quality of life. To be a hero you need to stand up and do what is right like a good deed. “True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It isn’t the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others” Heroes are identified with certain characteristics. They tend to be concerned with others, seeing things from another view. They are confident and keep working until their goals are accomplished. The characteristics that mostly determine a hero are bravery, determination and the will to sacrifice. This is part of the so-called hero psychology. To become a hero, learn about the everywhere around the world. Practice loving others and become a leader at sharing dreams. They look for inspiration and prepare to sacrifice. In the article heroism, the word hero meant “mortal who had done something so far beyond human experience. Today it means “someone who we admire and wish to emulate.” The first

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