Conqueror Defeater Style of Leadership

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A conqueror is beyond honest and practices integrity by following up words with the actions promised. A conqueror establishes a pillar of trust with his loved ones and at work through the consistent practice of integrity. This style of leadership categorises those leaders who only want to win in life. They are conquerors. They want to defeat their opponents and conquer the world. If faced by opposition, they will crush it to reach their final goal. A conqueror is a big person and does not allow the small negative things to penetrate their thinking. When the matter is large, a conqueror finds a way to deal with the culprit from his deeds and himself from the bonds of anger and resentment. A conqueror is a one who creates his own destiny by leaving behind to his survivors an example of inspiration oh how to live a life of meaning and purpose. This is best captured with the following words: " Watch your thoughts they become your words: watch your words, they become your actions: watch your actions, they become your habits, watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character it becomes your destiny"! I perceive it is a natural feature of humans to strive for success and to fail often. The traits of courage, integrity, perseverance in the face of adversity, empathy are all various facets of a conqueror. Each and every facet these leaders possess is through the goal achieved by facing the individual challenges or helping others achieve their goals thereby building themselves up as well. CHURCHILL THE MAN What were Winston Churchill's leadership qualities? Are his leadership principles what "leadership is all about"? In order to understand Churchill's leadership one must understand both the circumstances that Churchill was in during 1940-45 and a little about the man himself. Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill was born on 30 November 1874

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