Brian Doyle's Joyas Voladoras: Beautiful Style

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Beautiful Style Style writing is a valuable skill most writers wish they could possess and work for years to accomplish. In Brian Doyle’s Joyas Voladoras, his style of writing is what makes him stand out and distinguishes him from others. Doyle uses exaggerations, similes, and a distinct way of appealing to human emotion. Exaggeration is a style in writing because it appeals to a human being’s emotions. For example, Doyle says, “When this creature is born it is twenty feet long and weighs four tons. It is waaaaay bigger than your car” (29). It forces the reader to imagine the size of a car, along with the incredible weight. Once the reader starts thinking the author has caught the attention of his reader, thus making the reader want more. This furthermore accomplishes your goal as a writer as to keep the interest of your audience throughout the entire piece. In addition to exaggeration, there are other types of grammar that add style to the writing piece.…show more content…
They allow the writer to add a comparison, which in return makes the reader start thinking. Doyle uses the comparison of a whale’s heart and a saloon’s doors by stating, “The valves are as big as the swing doors in a saloon” (29). This comparison allows the reader to visually see those doors opening and closing and then picture their surroundings to be inside the heart. Another simile in Doyle’s piece occurs when discussing the size of the whale’s heart. When he says, “The biggest heart in the world is inside the blue whale. It weighs more than seven tons. It’s as big as a room” (29). This simile actually stresses how big the heart is; therefore, the reader feels the stress and exaggeration Doyle is trying to get across. Doyle incorporates feelings to add style to the piece along with appealing to human

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