'Raw' by Scott Monk

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Great books stay with you forever is a very compelling quote, which has its many influences on individuals. Some books have the ability to immerse readers so strongly into the storyline and the life of the characters that results in the reader being able to transcend their own lifestyle. Other books comprise a message so influential it is simply impossible to forget, along with books that have a memorable impact on the way we think and the way we perceive the world. One of these notable creations includes 'Raw', written by Scott Monk. This book is considered a prodigious book due to themes, characters and techniques portrayed within this text. The themes of crime and law and power and authority influence readers to abide by the rules and not make the same mistakes visible throughout this novel, as well as portraying a message of how someone can drastically change an individual's life. The characters of this novel employ both these themes with Brett committing the crimes and Sam having the power to change that. The techniques of irony and symbolism certify why 'Raw' is considered a great book. This entire book resolves around the issues faced with teen rebellion and the journey of teen redemption. It is evident that crime and law is the significant theme portrayed within this novel. Without this theme, this book would not have been the success it is and would not hold the influential power it does. The protagonist, Brett Dalton is a neglectful and confused teenager who commits crimes without taking responsibility for his actions. Brett's troubled thoughts are displayed when alcoholic drinks shatter on the floor and all his concerns go towards the spillage of alcohol instead of the police pursuing him. This is illustrated through the quote, 'All that alcohol gone to waste!' along with the technique of irony. Irony occurs when Brett becomes the victim of theft and is
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