Ban Booze Driven Boorish Behaviour In Teenagers Analysis

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In the Opinion Piece “Ban booze-driven boorish behaviour in teens”, published in the Herald Sun on Monday the 3rd of August 2010, radio talk back host John Brown writes about the issue of alcohol abuse amongst teenagers. Brown, in an aggressive and at times emotional tone, argues that the price of alcohol should be increased to stop teenage drinking and that parents should be responsible for the actions of their children. Brown does this through the use of evidence, emotional appeals and attacks. When evidence is used in many forms, readers are persuaded to think a certain way. Firstly, Brown uses expert opinion. He quotes D Lum from the Maroondah hospital and the shocking fact that young children, whilst drunk are being sexually assaulted. This would position his readers, mostly parents to see the dark side of alcohol and teenagers as no parent would want for their teenage child to be sexually assaulted. Secondly he uses statistics. Brown highlights the 300% increase in hospital admissions of drunken teenagers. This would shock his readers and make them more inclined to agree with his perspective. Thirdly he uses…show more content…
Firstly, Brown uses a case study to encourage the readers to respond on an emotional level. This is achieved by discussing the tragic incident of 19 year old Brian Naylor, a night out on the town with a few mates is soon ruined by a group of alcohol fuelled teens that ‘viciously’ attack him and his friends. Secondly, Brown appeals to his reader’s emotions with his use of emotional tone coupled with adjectives designed to paint the actions of smashed teenagers as disrespectful and potentially dangerous. “A machine is keeping him alive” signals the writers disbelief of how a perfect night out can ultimately turn into a parent’s worst nightmare, having their child taken away. The reader’s emotional response positions them to share Brown’s

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