Bipolar I Disorder: Complex Mood Di

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Bipolar I Disorder Bipolar I Disorder is a complex mood disorder that disrupts the quality of life for an individual with the occurrence of an episode or episodes known as Manic Episode during the course of the condition. According to Lyons and Martin (2009), a manic episode is described as a period of time in which an individual becomes highly talkative, hyperactive, easily irritated, over excited, very outspoken, and is not aware of their psychotic symptoms. Sometimes a person will only experience one episode (single manic episode), but this is rare because many times it is extremely common for that same person to experience another episode. The majority of people diagnosed with Bipolar I Disorder will indeed undergo the combination of two distinguished episodes at one time. Another episode is commonly known as a Depressive Episode. The Depressive episodes are relative during the period in which a person suffers from this devastating disorder. According to the DSM-IV-TR (APA 2000), in order for a patient to be diagnosed with Bipolar I Disorder he or she must have experienced at least one…show more content…
“Specifiers for current clinical status or features: mild, moderate, severe without psychotic features/severe with psychotic features, with catatonic features, with melancholic features, with atypical features, with postpartum onset, or in partial/full remission; if recurrent type, specify: longitudinal course specifiers (with and without interepisode recovery), with seasonal pattern, or with rapid cycling” (Lyons
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