Biographical Research Outline

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Biographical Research and Writing Unit Outline All of the units designed to align with the Common Core English Language Arts Standards Grade 9-10, Common Core Reading Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies Grade 9-10, and English Language Learner (ELL) Proficiency Standards Stage V Grade 9 -12 – Level: Basic Component 1: Overview 1. Abstract: In this unit, students will plan, organize, and produce a researched biographical report accompanied by a multi-media presentation. To meet this goal, students will use the steps of the writing process while focusing on writing guiding questions, paraphrasing information, and accurately crediting sources. The students will focus their research on an individually chosen historical figure…show more content…
I can effect positive change in the world. 4. Essential Questions: 1. How can I write questions to guide my research? 2. How do I accurately paraphrase information? 3. How do I use a consistent format to credit sources? 4. How do I plan, organize, and write a researched report? 5. How do I complement my oral presentation through a multi-media format? 5. Scope: Content/ Skills/ Assessments/ 21st Century Skill Theme Content: ELL Reading, Writing, and Language Strand; Common Core Standards for English Language Arts and Social Studies Literacy Strand Skills: Reading – Read nonfiction texts to gather information Writing – Take notes, paraphrase information, cite sources, write a 5 paragraph researched report, and present writing in a multimedia format. Language Strand – parallel structure, biographical vocabulary, and passive/active voice 21st Century Skill Themes: Creativity and Innovation, Initiative and Self Direction, and Global Awareness Assessments: quiz on paraphrasing, researched report and presentation, Step by Step Unit test 6. Sequence: 5-6 weeks 7. Content…show more content…
How can I write questions to guide my research? | |2. How do I accurately paraphrase information? | |3. How do I use a consistent format to credit sources? | |4. How do I plan, organize, and write an expository essay? | |5. How do I complement my oral presentation through a multi-media format? | |Week 1 |Lesson: |Lesson: |Inquiry Lesson: |Lesson: Paraphrasing and|Research: Use books to | | |Introduce project and |Analyze model |Write questions for |creating citations cards|locate information and
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