Biofuel- Science Method

406 Words2 Pages
Plan Aim: The aim of this experiment is to identify the optimum pH for which the enzyme, amylase, works best at. Hypothesis: I predict that enzyme activity will decrease if it steers away from 6-8 pH as this is the optimum pH range for which the enzyme amylase works best. Variables: Dependant Variables: • The time it takes the enzyme to react. Control Variables: • The amount of starch solution • The amount of enzyme solution • The amount of Iodine solution • The amount of water in ML • The time taken for the reaction. Independent Variables: • The range of pH, between 6-8 pH. Method: 1. Firstly, place the buffer tablets into a test-tube containing 20 ml of water (at room temperature). 2. Once the buffer tablet has dissolved into the water, add 10 ml of starch solution. 3. After the starch solution has been added, add 10 ml of enzyme solution to the current solution, simultaneously start the timer and record at 1 minute intervals. 4. In addition, place iodine in the dropping tile in order to identify if starch is currently present. 5. Repeat each experiment 3 times. Equipment: 1. Dropping Tile 2. Pipette 3. Test Tube 4. Starch Solution 5. Iodine Solution 6. Enzyme Solution 7. Beaker(s) 8. Water 9. Measuring Cylinder (ml) 10. Universal Indicator 11. Stopwatch Risk Assessment: |Risk |Risk To Me |Risk To Others |Solution | |Handling Glassware |Glass can cause injuries, such as|Shattered glass can cause injury |When handling glassware, place | | |cuts and wounds. |to multiple persons. |glass in a secure

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