Barriers To Work In Partnership

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1.1 working in partnership with others when working in a partnership, it refers to formal ways of working together. This can be referred to as interrogated or multi-agency working. When working in a partnership it can be formed between a group of individuals or organisations with a shared interest. Normally, partnerships are formed to address a specific issue and this may be short or long term. Working in a partnership is important so we must make sure that we are open and honest with anyone. We must always agree on the goals and values of the child. All who are involved must communicate regularly. Before our partnership working becomes the norm parents of a child with additional needs would face different appointments with different people.…show more content…
Some of these barriers are quite hard to overcome. When we go through a barrier we may need help and there is lots of help around. If you are struggling with a barrier please tell someone who can help and will help. When in a partnership we can come across many barriers that we may have to deal with ourselves or even help someone else with their barriers. We may have to deal with many barriers and unfortunately we may not be able to overcome some of them. When we are faced with a barrier we must always remember to be honest and open so that others know or need to know that we are here to…show more content…
when we have this barrier we must encourage them or ourselves that we have to have confidence and speak up this is because we must speak up in a setting or if we see something wrong then we have to tell someone. Lack of confidence is a hard barrier for someone to overcome so it’s vital they have support. We may have low self-esteem. When a person has low self-esteem they will feel down a lot of the time as they don’t think that they are good enough. They may think this because of their past or because they are being bullied. When people feel like this they will feel scared to go and talk to someone about their problems. In this situation we would go and help them and talk to them and help them bring their self-esteem up by doing activities with them. Lack of support is another we may come across. Not knowing who we can contact for advice and support for information or help. When people have lack of support they may feel alone and no-one is there for them. In the event of this happening we would give them information on helping with whatever situation anyone is going through. For example if you are going through bereavement they might want counselling or just plainly someone to talk
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