Referrals in Counselling

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Referrals An ethical framework is a moral way of working, it informs our judgments and values, and also helps individuals decide upon how to act. Ethics are what we use to distinguish what is right and wrong. This works by considering values, principles and personal moral qualities. Ethical principles are often combined in the frameworks to provide support and guidance for ethical decision-making. This framework must be followed to provide safe and professional counseling. In everyday practice counselors and other helping services are expected to make judgments about what is best for their client. Ethical theory’s and principles provide the information and guidelines to support decision-making. Ethical frameworks provide support by enabling the important parts of the situation to be evaluated. Each decision has to be made ethically as may impact the client. As a counselor you will sometimes find yourself in situations where you cannot provide the right service for a client. There are many reasons to refer clients further, such as the client may have other needs, e.g. they want information or advice, and as a counselor you cannot do this yourself. The client may ask to be referred themselves, or may be moving to a new area. The client may need specialist health due to a mental health condition they may need some additional support that you cannot offer them. The client may be taking part in illegal activity that may be harmful to themselves or others, and as stated in the opening to a session you have to take these issues further. There could be a lack of process and another counselor or helping service may be more useful. As a counselor you may have issues with what the client is sharing as it may trigger personal issues, which are outside of your comfort zone. Another reason for referral could be that the client and counselor are no

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