Coaching and Mentoring-Limiting vs. Shifting

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People who have the self-limiting beliefs and thoughts about themselves are trapped in a negative self-image and are preventing them to be who they are. Often they feel inhibited by their own perception of how others see them, such as feeling unworthy or undesirable and send themselves the message like “Something is wrong with me.” This thought continues to say: • I’m not good enough./smart enough./talented enough. • I don't think I can do it. • I don't deserve it. • It might all go wrong. /It’s not going to work. • I’ll never make it anyway. • This is definitely hopeless. • I'll never get out of this mess. These self-imposed limitations will become their self-fulfilling prophecy and will damage their self-confidence. In the end, self-limiting beliefs become their own worst enemies. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “limiting” as “something that bounds, restrains, or confines”. Other synonyms include: 1) restrict, inhibit, hinder, block 2) compress, reduce, lessen 3) bar, prohibit, deny, discourage, suspend Though, how do they know they aren’t good enough or they can’t? Through the coaching sessions, the coach can help break their self-limiting beliefs and shift to a positive mind-frame. “Shifting” can be described as: 1) change, adjust, transform, develop 2) evolve into, become By shifting their self-imposed limitations, they can unfold, release or unleash “true them”. Shifting is open and unlimited. Shifting transforms fear, insecurity or notions of mistakes. In order to shift self-limiting beliefs, the coach needs to think what are at the root of them. They could be their experiences, education, fear or excuse. Because of a few negative experiences in the past, they could build protection and keep them out of repeated harmful experience. In education, what’s right and wrong, good and bad

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