BSA/375 Fundamentals Of Business Systems: Case Study

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Week 5 - Service Request SR-kf-013 – Final Draft BSA/375 - Fundamentals of Business Systems May 14, 2014 Carlos Perales, MSCIS Scope and Goals Kudler Fine Foods proposed that they would like to implement a frequent shopper program for their customers to increase loyalty and to give the incentive to increase revenue. Customers will be awarded loyalty points for all their major purchases and specific goods so that they can redeem these loyalty points for high value incentives. The overall goal is to keep customers in the store longer in order to increase sales and with that Kudler Fine Foods would like to increase the frequency that customers shop at their store. Kudler Fine Foods plans to set the program up so that customers can…show more content…
This is a great way for all the stakeholders to be involved in the project and to voice everyone’s opinions from all viewpoints at once. This will help everyone to collaborate and really tell what is going on in the system from all points. The champion may be seeing a different problem from the top of Riordan than the system user is. The champion can see the outcome of the problem while the system user can see what is going on directly within the system. All of this information can be relayed appropriately and effectively with everyone together. The JAD technique can be used for as long as it needs to until the project team can determine what the requirements and solutions may need to be proposed or thought out until there is a mutual understanding and a clear…show more content…
Testing can be repetitive, because it will require the project team to get the same result with every test run. A test plan script will be created during the analysis phase so that the project team will know which steps that it would need to take to test the functionality of the software and hardware. There will have to be extensive communication between the parties who will be involved in the test runs because everyone will need to be on the same page, and every test must be documented thoroughly. (Valacich,
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