Nvq Level 3 Health and Social Care

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Unit 1 Promote communication in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings. 1.1 There is lots of different reasons to why people communicate such as expressing their feelings, sharing information, to give and receive instructions, people also communicate in order to begin relationships with others. Communication is a basic requirement for a care workers role as they have to communicate with various individuals on a daily basis; it’s an essential tool as it helps them meet the individual’s needs and requirements. Communication between care workers and other care professionals is very important as it ensures effective team working and progression of care, also ensures any problems or important information can be passed between staff. Within the care settings the carers are to attend handover which is at the start and end of every shift this is to make sure all staff are informed and up to date on all current situations within the work place. It very important that communication is to a high standard as effective communication means there is a two way flow of information and knowledge between staff and the individual’s which will help the individuals to discus different options and choice regards to their care. 1.2 2.1 Not everybody communicates in the same way so it’s important that we have knowledge and understanding of the individual’s needs. A care needs assessment should be put into place for every individual, these include the individuals physical and mental support needs, personal safety evaluation, medication requirement’s, religious and cultural needs and the individuals preferred method of communication. When communicating with someone you should use their preferred method of communication such as their language, use of signs and symbols, pictures, writing or other technological aids. Some individuals
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