Assignment 201 Social Care

333 Words2 Pages
Assignment 201 Task A AI) A) Verbal communication: Sounds, Words, Talking B) Non-Verbal communication: Sign language, Body language, Gesturing. C) Visual: Signs, Symbols, Photo’s, D) Written: On a computer or with pen and paper. AII) A) Express emotions and show feelings B) Pass and receive information C) Be understood D) Socialize E) Share knowledge AIII) A) To see whether the resident has understood what has been said via their body language and facial expressions and gestures. B) To see if the resident has any changes such as being anxious, anger, frustration etc which could suggest safeguarding issues. AIV) A) To make sure the resident’s needs are being met and the correct help is available to enable this such ad hearing aids, paper and pens. B) Misunderstanding/Mistakes could be prevented so you could have a better insight about the resident therefore insuring effective communication. AV) A) The home will be a pleasant and positive one to work within if colleagues communicate regularly therefore promoting teamwork. B) Confidence and independence will be enhanced between the resident and carer. C) Good communication with other professional bodies is a positive step which makes for a better working environment. AVI) A) Language barrier - Use a interpreter B) Distance barrier - Email, Letters C) Hearing barrier - Hearing aids, sign language AVII) That the resident can respond accurately to the questions asked, Ask them a question to test knowledge and to see if the understood what’s being asked. I.E Follow a simple instruction. Also so that the communication back to you is ensuring the resident included all the key points you have communicated to them.
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