Unit 1 Health and Social

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Unit 1 Promote communication in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings. 1.1 Understand why effective communication is important in the work setting. Communication is the basis of any relationship, whether that is personal or professional. When you start to communicate with someone you start to build a relationship with them. To do this it has to be a two-way process as each person involved gets to know the other through a process on communicating and sharing information. When you communicate with someone it doesn’t just involve talking. It can come in many different ways. These are touch, body movement, how you dress and the facial expressions you make. You can also communicate in written form, for example telephone and electronic. 1.2 Explain how communication affects relationship in the work setting. A relationship needs to have trust and understanding between people; this makes things getting done a lot easier. If you work as part of a team, you have to work alongside work colleagues and share the work load with them. Establishing a good relationship with them will make working easier because you are round people who will co-operate and a sense of trust will develop. A key relationship you will have is the people you support. A skill to build a relationship will be important because it will ensure the identified outcomes have been met. Also when this person has decided they want support in their lives, they need to be comfortable the support is honest and trustworthy, can keep confidences and is committed to working in their best interest. Once this has been established the person will be more likely to feel confident to move towards achieving the outcomes they have identified. Having a relationship with colleagues and other professionals will be vital for an effective work place. By respecting the expertise and values of
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