Assess The Effects Of Labelling In Schools

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Labelling is where a teacher (or another adult) will give a student a name that is in relation to their personality or ability. This can be positive or negative, for example, bright boy or troublemaker. Underachievement can be said to be anything under a C grade for GCSE’s or not meeting your target grade. Some sociologists agree with the statement as they say that students feel that teachers will determine their future. If they are labelled as being ‘stupid’ early on in their career then they will be placed in the lower sets and streams. This means that they will not have access to the full range of courses available to them and this an effect their A level or degree choices. Sociologists would also agree by explaining that anti school subcultures may occur. These are groups of students who feel that they have been failed by education and stop trying or…show more content…
Some students who are labelled as not being intelligent will work really hard to ensure that they move up or achieve more than was expected of them. Labelling also creates competition, this works with setting and streaming as students constantly try to get into the next set up or maintain their place in their set as it is ‘not safe’. Finally, sociologists may disagree as they would say that there are many factors as to why a student may underachieve. They would say that there are other things that are more important including the home background of the child. If the child’s parents are not educated then it can be said that they may not understand the school system and may not support the school. In conclusion, we can say that although other factors may play a role, teacher labelling is the main cause of underachievement in Britain today as this determines the set that a child is placed in in Year 7 which in turn influences their whole educational
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