Asses the View That Factors Within Schools Are the Greatest Influence on Social-Class Differences in Educational Achievement.

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(d) In school factors can have a big impact on the social class differences in education achievement. However, it isn’t the only factor. In school factors include labelling; this is done by both students and teachers. Pupils will be labelled based on social class; a working class child is more likely to be labelled as degrading names. This labelling can lead to the self-fulfilling prophecy; this disadvantages them because the teacher is favouring other students. However, teachers are more likely to label a middle class child as smart, intelligent etc. This puts them at a starting advantage over their working class peers. Marxists suggests this is creating inequality, and reproducing the ruling class ideology as they are above working class from an early age (5). A middle class child is more likely to be placed in a higher set, as Bowles and Gintis says. This means they are more likely to be taught to a higher grade, which means they will perform better in the exam. Some people may also argue that public schools have better teacher standards. This means that they will outperform the working class and get into higher universities, as source B states. The ‘ideal pupil’ is a concept used by Becker, usually middle class are closer to the ideal pupil than the working class, this means that the teacher will show favouritism, and means that middle class pupils are more likely to achieve. Lastly, from a Marxist interpretation is the hidden curriculum. Schools use a hierarchy, uniform, assemblies, setting/streaming and detentions, etc. This is the school promoting ruling class ideology. This also links to Bowles and Ginits views on sets. This is because they are setting them up for the future: a job below the middle class people. Althusser states, schools are an I.S.A (ideological state apparatus), and transmits the states norms and values. This disadvantages working class
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