Are Fathers Necessary for Children Well-Being

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"Are Fathers Necessary for Children's Well-Being? I chose “Are Fathers Necessary for Children’s Well-Being?” There are a lot of children who do not grow up with both their parents, especially their fathers and some kids do exceptionally well without having both parents. As a Mother myself I know for a fact we tend to get all the credit for the well-being of our kids. But In my family I must say my kid’s happiness was genuinely influenced by their father, too. Therefore, I do believe fathers are necessary for children’s well-being. They have an influential and constructive impact upon the growth and health of children. Children who has a father who is involved are more likely to be expressively confident. Confident enough to explore their surroundings, and, as they grow older, have better social connections with peers. Children, who have both parents are less likely to get into much trouble as far as school or in the streets or influenced by their peers. A number of studies suggest they also are more sociable and popular with other children their age and throughout their adulthood. Moreover, there are fathers, who may detached themselves from their children because they may have had issue within themselves, this may be due to their own childhood experiences with their own parents or father preventing them from getting involved the way they should. These fathers love their kids without a doubt but, they just don’t know how to show it. However, research shows that fathers reinforce development when they take a vigorous roles early in the lives of their children. There is no right or wrong way for them to be involved as long as they show love and support. Although mothers may use more methods of parenting and both parents may have different styles of parenting, their children can benefit from them both. For example: A father may capture his child’s attention with the

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