Authoritative vs Permissive Parenting

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Out of the many relationships we form in our lives, the relationship between parents and children is the most important. There are too many parents who try to be their children’s best friend rather than being a parent. In today’s generation, many children don’t know the meaning of respecting their elders due to the lack of discipline that is displayed in the household. Therefore, children who have authoritative parents are more disciplined, show stronger self-esteem and are more responsible than children who grow up with permissive parents. Primarily, authoritative parents have the ability to have firm authority while still showing love and compassion to their children. According to Dr. Sylvia Rimm, authoritative parents are both sufficiently demanding and appropriately responsive. An authoritative parent is able to respect their child while not compromising their ability to discipline them. Permissive parents may argue that children who are raised in a home with discipline tend to be rebellious because they feel that children learn to obey and they don’t get the chance to think for themselves. What permissive parents fail to realize is that children are to be taught which way to go and if they are taught this they will not stray away from their teachings and values. When a child knows that there is a level of respect in the home, they don’t disrespect authority figures such as teachers, police officers, or any other authority figure. These children conduct themselves in a respectful manner by using manners when speaking to others, especially their elders. On the other hand, children who grow up in permissive households lack the ability to have self-control because the household has few demands of the children and the parents have taken on the role of friend than parent. It is important for children to understand their parents are here to raise them to be

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