Analysis of Collaborative Work

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COMM10003 Learning and Communicating Online Assessment 2B: Analysis of collaborative work 1. What factors do you think contributed to the level of success your group achieved? Team Work and group communication has been the key to success for our group assessment task. Open discussion of topics, setting of goals on how to achieve our objectives, and resolving of problems, each member of our group has been supportive throughout. Each member freely expressed their opinions on the presentation, whether we liked another members’ input or not, respectfully, constructively and without alienating the other members. Suggestions were put forward requesting other’s opinions regarding any changes that were necessary. There were no major problems with communication, my team members have put their opinions forward, and at no time was there any real tension between group members. Although there were some time lags due to personal commitments and illness, everyone participated in the Wiki discussion board. Instead of having a clear “leader” for the group, we all put forward suggestions and worked towards our common goal. Our group didn’t have a problem with “information chaos” (Kear 2010), but at one point our presentation was disorganized. One group member kept everyone focused, always prompting others via the Wiki and emails. For me, participation in the group assessment has been an enjoyable experience all round. 2. What role(s) did you take within the group and how did you personally contribute to the level of success your group achieved? All members of Group 3 participated and carried out multiple roles during this assessment task. I treated this assessment task the same way I treat my role at work. I’m not one to sit back and let others do all the work. I believe, I was partially a Team Leader, Innovator and also Implementer (Hartley, 2010). Due

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