Adversity In Me Research Paper

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Carmen Guardado English 070 Febuary 5, 2013 “Adversity and Me” I will persist until I succeed: I was not delivered into this world into defeat, nor does failure course in my veins. I am not a sheep waiting to be prodded by my Shepard. I am a lion and I refuse to talk, to walk, to sleep with the sheep. The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny. I will persist until I succeed…. Adversity has defined the person that I am today-strong. I know that I look like any other person when you look at me, but there are aspects about my life that I hope to share with other women in the future. Being a single mom or making the decision to leave…show more content…
It has made me a strong person, it has helped me overcome negative people, and it has made me prepare for future challenges. When I pregnant with my daughter Carolina, who’s now 12years old, I was told that it would be a risky pregnancy because the baby was breach and was having a hard time breathing inside my body. For this reason, I had to have a C-section immediately since the baby would have choked on the umbilical cord. I was in a lot of pain after the operation and I was very mad that I couldn’t have a natural childbirth, but as a mother, I did what had to be done to have a healthy child. The second moment in my life where I faced difficulty- was in my marriage. It was a tough time in my life because I would come home from work and find myself arguing with my sister in law. I felt that she was interfering in my marriage. I also had many arguments with my husband. I ended up leaving my husband even though it was three weeks after giving birth to my daughter. This caused me to sink into a deep depression for the next three years. It took me a long time to heal, but I came out stronger from these two moments in my…show more content…
I have family members who are always saying negative things to me like- “It’s too expensive to attend college,” you’ll never find time,” it’s too late,” and etc. I have long separated from some of these family members because I needed boundaries and knew they were not part of my eventual goals for my life. I ultimately knew that if I didn’t separate, my dreams and a piece of myself would die. As a result, I make sure to concentrate my energy on various healthy challenges and this has helped me to forget about the negative words and impacts in my life. Thank God- that I have been able to succeed in most of my goals. Despite the things that I went through in life, I thank Adversity for being in my life because it has made me prepare for future challenges. Also, it has helped me to recognize the importance in gaining my education to better my life and that of my daughter. I believe that though I am now a single mother, having my education will open doors for me and make me a good role model for my
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