AP Language: New Challenges Of Becoming A Parent

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AP Language Alex Miller October 24, 2012 1st Formal Essay When you become a parent you face many new challenges, but with every challenge comes the possible reward of seeing your child excel because of the challenge you faced later in life. From milestones like your first steps to the first time you scored a goal in soccer, or getting your first 4.0, your parents are there for them all. One thing parents might have to deal with is seeing your child being unsuccessful maybe they got an F or aren’t at the same playing level as the other children on their baseball team. Your parents should be proud of you no matter what, but sometimes a parent may be living their life through the child by forcing them to do things they don’t particularly…show more content…
They’re yours you made them of course you want them to be the greatest thing that has ever hit planet so you try to involve them in everything. It is kind of like throwing 50 crayons on a white page after a while there will be specks of color, and once you see those specks you zone in on them and you try so very hard and work your kid harder in that certain area and take them out of other activities to focus on that one. Eventually that page full of specks begins to have a few blocks of solid color, and with those blocks of color your child begins to form into a well-rounded person. So why do parents do this? The answer is simple the feeling you get when you see your child shine is like no other. The whole world stops and for just a moment you know that everyone around you is paying attention to your kid just watching them shine, and then you think to yourself that is my kid and nothing is more gratifying than feeling that way. Nothing in the world could beat that feeling of gratification, but what does it feel like from the perspective of the child to realize that their parent or even a thoughtful adult is proud of…show more content…
I strived to succeed, so when I didn’t do my best I would get very upset with myself and try harder until I was the best. I hate the feeling of failure especially when I knew that I had tried my very hardest. My parents always told me try your hardest or don’t try at all, so anytime I lost at something I felt like I was letting them down. Like I said before the best feeling in the world is when your parents show pride in you, well how awesome that feels is coinciding with how horrible it feels when they are upset with me. Through the years I have learned what I am good at and what I don’t excel in. But it took a lot of searching to find my niche I have never excelled in athletics, but in the arts I can’t be outdone by anyone that is my place in the theater I know that I try my very hardest to perform and entertain at my best. I have only let myself down one time in theater and that was probably the worst failure that has ever happened to me, my parents were still proud of me but I was not proud of myself at

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