Advantage Database Essay

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The Advantages of Using a Database By: Jacqueline Thomas The advantages of using a database are considerable. Without them, you would be hard-pressed to find a decent system of keeping and managing information. In recent years, the increased flexibility and user-friendliness of databases make these systems a crucial business component. Many database solutions are available for any type of business need, ranging from storing a customer information matrix to hosting a WordPress blog. Here are the top reasons for using a database: Databases Save Time Instead of rummaging through endless piles of paperwork, a database pulls up information with simple query. A user can enter in specific keywords in order to recall information. The database becomes a more efficient solution than paper files held in a file folder. Databases Aid Communication Larger companies can benefit from databases when information must be spread to various users. For example, if a company has two branches but must share central information, it would be prudent to implement a central database that can be viewed by all employees of that company. This way, once information is added, it is viewable by all, aiding in a cohesive work environment. By looking at database records and how data has changed over time, you can also track important trends, such as which product is most popular with your customers, which can make your business more competitive. Databases Are More Secure File cabinets can be compromised. They can be stolen, accidentally destroyed, or lost. Databases add another level of security to valuable information. Not only can a database be stored in a remote facility unaffected by devastating events such as fire or thievery, but a database can also be password protected. This locks out any eyes that should not view sensitive reports. Databases Are Inexpensive Managers Smaller

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