4222-253 Awareness of Asc

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UNIT 4222-253 INTRODUCTORY AWARENESS OF AUTISTIC SPECTRUM CONDITIONS (LD210) OUTCOME 1 People with an Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) have difficulties with both verbal and non-verbal communication. They have a very literal interpretation and think people mean exactly what they say, they have difficulty understanding facial expressions and tone of voice, jokes and sarcasm and common phrases for example if you said “my feet are killing me” they probably would think they actually were. They lack empathy and don't understand unwritten social rules and they have difficulty understanding body language. Individuals with an autistic spectrum condition have difficulty with social communication, social integration and social imagination. Some may not be able to speak or have fairly limited speech, whilst other will have good language skills but not understand the give-and-take nature of speech and will often talk at length about themselves and their own interests. Difficulties include not being able to cope with change in routines unless given enough time to adjust, not wanting to try new activities and not being able too enjoy activities with a group of people, restrictions can include diet, clothing surroundings due to, in some cases, heightened sensitivity to things such as taste, smell, noise and touch. OUTCOME 2 It is important to recognise that each individual has their own abilities, needs, strengths, preferences and interests so you can provide the care and support they need and avoid unnecessary distress. It is a spectrum condition as while all people with autism share certain difficulties the condition will affect them in different ways. Individuals with autism can also have accompanying learning difficulties, ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and other learning difficulties such as dyslexia and dyspraxia
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