Analyse Hiw a Range of Factors Can Inoact on Individual's with Sensory Loss, Including Communication, Information, Familiar Layouts and Routines, Mobility

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Communication:is a very important part of very day life, for people with sensory loss (blindness, deafness and deaf-blindness) communication can be made very difficult in a number of ways. If the people who are caring for them be it family or care worker, i they are not trained in different communication methods for example braille, makaton sign language , then the person maybe left to feel lonely, angry, they may also get agitated due to the fact they can not communicate to others their wants, needs ad feelings, this could also make the person show negative behaviour i.e. hitting them selfs or others, shouting. Information: By making sure clear, concise information is readily available n different formats; braille, large type, or spoken is essential to make sure everyone is able to understand the information that is being given. Every person will have their own needs/ methods of communication be it spoken, signed or objects such as picture cards that can be used to help them understand information. Familiar layouts and routines: This is especially important to those with a visual impairment, it is important that there is consistency with layouts and routines so that everyone is able to make their way around the environment where they live without hurting themselves or others that could be around them whilst they are going round the environment. For people who have a hearing impairment they can see their surroundings with no issues but they will not be able to hear any of the other risks their surroundings may have properly. For people who have a hearing and visual impairment the familiarity to a layout is vital as not only can they not see where they are going but also they will not be able to hear other risks that the environment can hold. Mobility: This can be particularly difficult for those who suffer with a visual impairment, some people who have

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