Introductory Awareness of Autistic Spectrum Conditions

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Introductory awareness of autistic spectrum conditions 1.1 Describe the types of difficulty that individuals with an autistic spectrum condition may have with language and other ways of communicating with others. The different types of Autism in the autistic spectrum are: * social interactions (ie people with autism would often find it difficult to understand others' mental states and emotions, and respond accordingly) * verbal and non-verbal communication The sort of problems that adults with Autism may have include one or more of the following: * Not being able to express themselves well. * Not being able to understand gestures, facial expressions, or tone of voice. * Saying odd things. For example, repeating your words back to you, time and time again. * Using odd phrases and odd choices of words. * Sometimes using many words when one would do. * Making up their own words. * Not using their hands to make gestures as they speak. * Not being able to understand difficult orders. * repetitive behaviour (ie people with autism might repeat certain words or actions over and over, usually in a rigid rule-governed manner). 1.2 Identify problems that individuals with an autistic spectrum condition may have in social interaction and relationships. Communication difficulties may contribute to autistic adults they become socially anxious or depressed or prone to self-injurious behaviours. Many adults with autism are being diagnosed with co-morbid mood, anxiety and compulsive disorders which may also contribute to behavioural and functioning challenges. There are different types of problems and not all will occur in each case. These can generally be described as 'not being able to get on with people'. So the adults may: * Seem to be aloof. * Have little or no interest in other people which can result

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