Unit 34 Essay

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Learner Name: Jose Mathew Unit 34: Introductory Awareness of Sensory loss Unit Reference Number: F/601/3442 Outcome 1 1.1 Describe how a range of factors have a negative and positive impact on individuals with sensory loss? Approximately 95 per cent of the information about the world around us comes from our hearing and sight. We read books, magazines and correspondence, we talk to each other face to face or on the telephone and we listen to our music on the television or the radio. The range of factors that have have negative and positive impact on the individuals are: Impact on Communication Sensory loss can often be a ‘hidden’ disability which can frequently lead to isolation and frustration at not being able to communicate efficiently with other people. With hearing loss, day-to-day activities such as hearing a doorbell, using the telephone, watching television or taking part in conversations can produce feelings of inadequacy. Impact on familiar layouts and routines Sight plays a major role in maintaining orientation and people can lose a sense of what is around them and where they are. Although listening to sound can be useful, it can move and then echo off surroundings; therefore it is not as confined or exact as vision. People with vision loss may no longer be sure where things are. A feeling of being separate and an increasing sense of isolation can occur because the brain is receiving less stimulation. An extensive loss of vision can result in: • an inability to negotiate the environment • a loss of sense of freedom • a loss of security • a loss of control in their environment. Impact on information One of the needs of people with a sensory impairment is to be able to obtain information. Whether it is written, spoken or signed information, it needs to be in an
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