Young and Reckless in China

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The youth of any country and the younger generation become the leaders of the future. This being known many countries take great strides to educate and prepare the younger generation for this role. But all countries aren’t equal and all don’t prepare their youth in the same way. Regardless of this unequal preparation the goals of young adults are much the same. In a comparison between Chinese and American youth it is seen that their goals are much the same and their motivation behind these goals all have to do with the universal need to be nurtured and loved in a family environment. In a country like China where tradition and family is so highly regarded it would be thought that young adults would be likely to follow in their parents footsteps. But in interviews with Wang Xiaolei, Ben Wu, and Lu Dong it is made clear that their life and career choices were very much their own. In the interview with Wang he even says, “My father, my mother- both useless” (Young and Restless in China). And Ben Wu says “So I want to learn how Chinese conduct business, what's the best opportunity in what industry” (Young and Restless in China). At surface value it looks as if these interviews show that these people did what they wanted and it had nothing to do with their family. But looking further it is clear that they chose these careers in order to form or maintain a family environment. When Wang, for example, sent all the money he had to a woman he met online he was trying to form a family environment. Similarly Ben Wu left his family in America to pursue his internet cafe idea, seeming to choose business over family but Ben then says that he hopes “she will stay here with me finally and we will have a family here” (Young and Restless in China). Both Ben and Wang’s efforts were aimed to gain enough money to be able to gain and maintain a family. It is clearly seen here that even
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