‘Year of Wonders Is a Story of Great Courage in the Face of Extreme Adversity.’ Do You Agree

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In the 17th century, the village of Eyam, the villagers were crash into the deadly plague which the villagers had quickly responded in diverse ways. Geraldine Brooks’ who wrote the novel ‘Year of Wonders’ shows the description of the great courage by a helping girl, narrator and protagonist Anna Frith, Elinor Mompellion; a good friend of Anna and the rector’s wife, the rector Michael Mompellion, as they are in unambiguous contrast to not be afraid to respond to the other characters. The self-centeredness and retraction of accountability of Colonel Bradford, the ‘thefts’ of Anna’s parents, Josiah and Aphra Bont and the homicides of the village healers Mem and Anys Gowdie by the grief-stricken mob of villagers all proves that in periods of great adversity certain link to the corrupt character of self-interest, survival and superstition. Anna Frith is the protagonist of the novel ‘Year of Wonders’ as it is introduced to the readers within the prologue in Leaf fall 1666, is tough and irrepressible. Herself, as a woman stated that ‘women who has faced more terrors than many worriers.’ In the spring time, the text begins to outline the events of the plague year enabling Anna to shine and become a young woman who had faced the fears of the mob, midwives and mining. Instead of joining the mob that had attacked Mem and Anys Gowdie, who are accused of being witches and are being blamed for the cause of the plague. Anna had fought and using all her strength to bring down the troop to their sanities. Michael Mompellion faces the plague with great courage and an irresistible sense of accountability. The Bradfords flee the village, not due to not accomplishing their family duties that they are capable of and to help other villagers that are suffering from the Plague, but to escape for the safety of it. As promised, Mompellion had made it clear that he would have faith to

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