Women Are Not Treated Fairly in Islam

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Women are treated fairly in most countries and religions, but in Islam, they are not. For centuries, the Muslim society have treated women as second class citizens. Women are treated this way for many reasons, but it is all leads back to the Qur’an. Women are considered inferior to men, are treated unfairly in marriage, and are even oppressed legally, but seem to be approved of in the Qur’an. This book describes in detail the way a woman should be treated and the way she should treat her husband. The Qur’an expresses that men are above women and that women are inferior to their husbands. It is stated that, “…it is for the women to act as they (the husbands) act by them, in all fairness; but the men are a step above them,” (Q 2:228). It is also stated that, “Men have authority over women because Allah has made the one superior to the other,” (Q 4:34). Muslims tend to treat women so unfairly due to these scriptures written in the holy book. The Muslim beliefs are strong and whatever is written in the Qur’an, is the truth to them and what they act upon. Most of what is written in the Qur’an can cause many Muslims to look at women as if they are creations like the animals, plants, etc. that are brought to the world by Allah. They also believe that women lack many of the traits that men possess, along with gratitude and intelligence. Another reason women are treated unfairly in Islam is the fact that they are greatly separated from men in the Muslim society. It is believed that women have 10 awrah (external body parts of a woman that cannot be shown). This is due to the fact that a woman’s body is known to belong to her husband and no one else should have access to it. Some groups such as the Malikiyah and Hanafiyah do allow the woman’s face to be shown, but only if the face is not naturally beautiful and no makeup is worn. It is also believed that the woman’s place
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