Why We Do Shakespeare In Schools

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A typical traditionalist argument, as put by Robert Eaglestone in his study guide "Doing English", is, "That because everybody is moved and affected by Shakespeare's plays, Shakespeare embodies universal values and has something to say to all people at all times and in all places. Anybody seeing or reading the plays feels that Shakespeare is speaking to them and their innermost thoughts therefore it is. Simply stated, students should study Shakespeare's work in school because of the incredible value within them. In addition to exposing students to a multitude of literary techniques, Shakespeare's plays challenge the student with difficult language and style, express a profound knowledge of human behaviour and offer insight into the world around us. Evident in Shakespeare's plays is the broad use of irony, imagery, rhythm and other literary devices. Through these devices, he establishes atmosphere and character, and intrigue. Exposure to these devices provides students with a broad knowledge of literary style and technique, while serving to develop and improve writing skills. Also, because much of the modern literary ideas and writings allude to and can be traced back to Shakespeare, familiarity with his works can only be an advantage to the student. Shakespeare wrote his plays to appeal to Elizabethan audiences. Much of the text is dated or archaic and is initially unknown to the typical student. Yet upon thorough study, the student will gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of Shakespeare's words and the English language. Despite the difficulty that dated text presents, the passions and emotions described by Shakespeare touch the hearts of his readers and audience, students included. Vivid imagery and poetic descriptions are presented effectively and have a great impact on the audience. Readers are provided with the opportunity to step into the

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