Why Relations Between the Usa and the Soviet Union Grew Worse in the Period of 1945

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There were a combination of reasons as to why relations between the USA and the USSR grew worse by 1948, but the underlying cause were the ideological differences between the two superpowers; USA (capitalism) and the USSR (communism). Once Germany was defeated, the joint aim of the allies was achieved and they were no longer forced to cooperate in an, “Marriage of Convenience”. From then on, the relationship between the USA and the USSR worsened. One main reason as to how the relationship between the Soviet Union and the USA grew worse was because of the Yalta and Potsdam conferences. At the Yalta conference, Roosevelt’s death in 1945 brought an end to any superficial unity that still existed at the end of 1943 and Stalin had promised free elections in the countries of Eastern Europe. At Potsdam, this was the driving factor which led to Truman adopting the ‘Iron Fist’ approach; Stalin’s failure to hold free elections in the countries of Eastern Europe. In addition to this, the distrust between the allies was clearly seen when Truman had successfully developed the atomic bomb and dropped it in Japan in 1945, without telling Stalin about it. This worsened the fragile relationship as it uprooted feelings of mistrust, and increased the tensions. Another key reason was a result of Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech, the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan, due to which Stalin had forced communism on Eastern Europe. The Truman Doctrine, set up in 1947, outlined the policy of ‘Containment’, in which America was determined to go to war in order to prevent the spread of communism into Western Europe. The Marshall plan, also set up in 1947, was a follow up to the Truman doctrine, which provided financial aid to Western Europe, to entice the communist countries of Eastern Europe to turn to Capitalism. Stalin responded by setting up the ‘COMECON’, providing aid and resources

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