Why Is Brave New World Bad

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Edwin Hao English 961A October 22, 2012 Prof. Sauve Bad Book Gone Good Bad art gone good is what a novel called Brave New World has gone thought since being published in 1932. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley is about a utopia style of living; a perfect world. This perfect world is based on highly advance technology that can produce genetically modified babies and a medication called soma which keeps the world in balance and sane. Even though Brave New World is now considered a classic, the book was criticized for a weak plot and characterization when it was first published. One review even said, "Nothing can bring it alive." As time passed, more and more people realized that our world is slowly turning into a world similar to Brave…show more content…
This is when the book started to get more recognized because it explained how he predicted a future where promiscuity is acceptable and encouraged, where drugs are used to escape from the pressures of many realities, where pleasure is sought over meaning --- in short, a world in many ways reminiscent of our own. The book was written in the early 1930’s and had just undergone a terrible world war where totalitarian states had sprung up in the Soviet Union. According to LitChart Editors, this is when “Huxley took all the developments of science and the application of science through technology and spun them into the World State of Brave New World, a totalitarian dystopia that uses technology to, basically, trick its citizens into loving their slavery.” In a way Huxley is warning us what will happen if the world continues to let other things control our…show more content…
In "1999, the Modern Library ranked Brave New World fifth on its list of the 100 best English novels of 20th century." (Modern Library Editorial Board) In 2003 Robert McCrum writing for theguardian listed Brave New World number 53 in “the top 100 greatest novels of all time” and the novel was also listed “number 87 on The Big Read” Another staple in American Literature is a novel called 1984 by George Orwell that went through similar experiences as Brave New World. Both 1984 and Brave New Word shared a common theme: a dystopia society. Like Brave New World this book was also highly criticized when it was first released, but gained popularity in a similar fashion; both had to just wait for the world to catch up with what the book portrayed. Although the book first got negative reviews, it has became a staple in American literature and is now being given to as young as high school students to read. The book is also continuing to predict what the future for our world will turn out to be. Using drugs to deal with our everyday problems and new technology emerging everyday like the recently released apple iPhone 5. Not only does this book predict the future, but shows the consequences. We’ll go insane because we cannot control our own
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