Why Have Artists Become so Important to Our Culture's Memory Work? Discuss by Reference to at Least 3 Specific Examples.

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Veronica Andrus-Blaskievics ID:312109229 Major Essay June 10, 2013 CATE 2007: Art of Memory Veronica Andrus-Blaskievics, June 2012 Why have artists become so important to our culture's memory work? Discuss by reference to at least 3 specific examples. Artists are important to our culture’s memory because they help to store information, preserve past events and they help to reexperience past situations, which is what we - as social groups need, maintain and transmit to further generations. Visual art helps us to understand ourselves, our history, family and the society we are coming from, we need not just individual, private experience but collective memory and cultural memory because historical records are not enough. According to Yadin Dudai the culture has three main sides. The first one is culture as an action and vehicle for the transfer of information by its natural way of acting. A common action of culture is collective memory. “Culture also contains material artefacts as well as contemporary institutions, regulations, and beliefs that do not necessarily make it into the collective memory of the group.”1 Culture influences experiences by offering perceptions that affect it, as Frigga Haug states, by opposing conventional theory on femininity to lived memory. Neil Gregor has argued experience affects culture, since individual experience becomes communicable and therefore collective. A memorial, for example, can represent a shared sense of loss.2 Memorials are good sample of considering how, and why, cultural memory is created, and how it shapes local and national identity. Memorials can be temporary or permanent, shaped in statues, monuments, parks, cemeteries and public ceremonies. Pierre Nora view is that France was quite possibly the first to embark on this age of ardent, embattled, almost fetishist “memorialism.”3 Erika Doss noted

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