Why Exercise Is Good

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According to the American Heart Association, as many as two hundred and fifty thousand deaths per year in the United States can be attributed to a lack of regular exercise. Living an inactive lifestyle has consistently been one of the top five risk factors for heart disease. Those with low levels of physical fitness also experience a higher rate of cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks. We all unconsciously know that exercise is good for us. It is fair to say that everyone wants to be healthy. At the same time, it is probably equally fair to say that most of us are not exercising enough. Today I will be going over the cost of an inactive lifestyle, the benefits of being more physically active, and some forms of exercising you can squeeze If exercise and regular physical activity benefit the body, a sedentary lifestyle does the opposite, increasing the chances of becoming overweight and developing a number of chronic diseases. Despite all the good things going for it, only about 30 percent of adult Americans say they get regular physical activity outside their workplace. 40 percent of Americans say they get no physical activity at all. According to an analysis by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, inactivity was associated with more than 9 million cases of cardiovascular disease in 2001, at an estimated medical cost of nearly $24 billion. When you do not move, from either choice or due to injury, you burn fewer calories each day. An excess of just 500 calories per day translates into a weight gain of 1 pound per week or 4 pounds per month. When you gain weight, you have an increased risk for high blood pressure, heart disease and type two diabetes. Lack of exercise not only affects you physically but also mentally. Your body loses muscle tone and strength and your self-esteem can suffer as a result. Weight gain may then also lead to social
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