Why Did Germany Hate The Treaty Of Versailles

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"The only reason Germany hated the Treaty of Versailles were the territorial restrictions" - to what extent do you agree with this statement? At the end of the war the three main Alliance leaders met at Germany would have to agree to. The document that contained all of this information was called the Treaty of Versailles and Germany had to sign it. As well as the territorial restrictions the Germans also had to agree to many other things: an army of no more than 100 000 men; no air force, submarines or tanks, the reduction of their navy to 6 old battleships, they would pay the total cost of the war, they weren’t allowed to join the league of nations and they had to agree to the war guilt clause which meant they had to take full responsibility for the start of the war. Germany suffered 5 main territorial losses, which were: • Posen, the Polish corridor and Upper Silesia => Poland • Memel => Lithuania • Northern Schleswig => Denmark • Alsace-Lorraine => France • The Saar => League of nations (however it was returned to them after 15 years as the inhabitants decided to become German) Germany lost most of her empire at the end of World War One as well as part of her actual country. Germany’s army was reduced to 100 000 men and this meant they were not able to attack another country. However they got round this problem by training many young men on how to be in the army (for example how to use a gun) but didn’t actually call them up so they weren’t officially in the army. This meant that if they were able to enlarge their army again, they would have trained men ready to fight. Germany had to pay the total cost of the war which is estimated to be around £6.6 billion, this lead to the period of time which historians call the depression and this is when the mark got devalued. However it didn’t just get devalued once it kept losing

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