Why Aatticus Finch Is the Most Honorable Character in "To Kill a Mockingbird"

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Honor can mean many different things to many different people. Honor can just be a onetime action, or it can be a lifestyle. An honorable lifestyle is lived by a person who is willing to do the right thing, even when none is looking. In literature, having a strong sense of honor is a common theme. The novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee shows that honor is a prominent characteristic in a person. Atticus Finch is honorable because, raises his children with a strong set of values, he gets himself into something he knows is not going to turn out good but still tries his hardest, , and isn’t willing to cover anything up to take the easy way out. In the novel, Sir Atticus Finch is an honorable character and shows this by the way he raises his children. Atticus is Scout’s, the protagonist, and Jem’s father. Atticus tries to teach his children to vision yourself in the other person’s shoes before judging them. Atticus is looked up to by many in the society. After Jem, his son, destroyed Mrs. Dubose flower, Atticus made him read to her in return. He made Jem read to her because he wanted Jem to see her courage and what she has been going through most of her life. Atticus was a strong family man even though he was a single parent. In addition to this, he is a prestigious lawyer who is willing to help anyone who is innocent. As the representative of Maycomb in the town council, Atticus Finch is a very well known lawyer. Even though he has a reputation to protect, Atticus represents Tom Robinson in a rape case. In this court case, an innocent man is convicted guilty. With Tom Robinson being a Negro in a racial, prejudice town, Atticus knows before even walking into the court house that Tom will be declared guilty just for being African American. Knowing all of this in advance Atticus still tries his hardest to get an innocent man to go free.
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