Who Moved My Cheese

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“Who moved my cheese” the book instantly caught my attention just by the title of it. When I read the title I thought the book is either about food or it is for the kids. There are four characters in the book. The two mice- Scurry and sniff, with simple brains and good instincts, and the two little people- Hem and Haw, with complex brains like humans. It is about changes that happen in our lives and how we deal with them. Change is inevitable. A few things that I could seize from the book are that no matter how hard we try to resist change it will still happen. “If you do not change, you can become extinct” (Johnson, 1998, 46). The best way to avoid the disappointments and surprises from change is by monitoring the situations ahead of time. In the story when Haw and Hem found a large amount of cheese in section C they became carefree, and didn’t realize that the supply of cheese was getting smaller. “Smell the cheese often so you know when it is getting old” (Johnson, 1998, 52). Another principle that completely changed my view towards change is that the faster you accept the changes around you the sooner you can find a better deal in life. Change not always leads to the worst but can also help you move towards something good. “The quicker you let go of old cheese, the sooner you find new cheese” (Johnson, 1998, 60). We all get so comfortable in our own world and if something changes we get worried and unhappy. We often blame the situations, luck/god or other people for the change. While reading the story I could relate myself to one of the characters in the story- “Haw”. Even though in the beginning when Haw didn’t find the cheese in Station C, he was completely surprised and devastated but later when he understood the difference between productivity and activity he decided to move with the change in search of new cheese. I have had a situation in life that not
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