Who Is Responsible In Macbeth

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Macbeth is awarded the title 'thane of Cawdor' for his bravery. Macbeth hears he has gained this title when told by some witches before the kings servants have a chance to tell him. The witches also predict that he will be "king hereafter". Macbeth consults his wife and she uses psychology to push Macbeth in to killing King Duncan. Macbeth does kill the King and this is when his downfall begins . His good friend Banquo starts to be suspicious and Macbeth kills him without a second thought. Later he sees Banquo's ghost and he begins to go mad as so does Lady Macbeth and she commits suicide. Macbeth runs Scotland very badly and Duncan's son Malcolm comes to claim his throne. With the help of the English army Macbeth's castle…show more content…
The witches predict two things:- that Macbeth will become the thane of Cawdor, and that he will be king hereafter. They also predict two things for Banquo that he will be lesser than Macbeth, and greater also he shall get kings, though be none meaning that he will not become king but his children will. When Macbeth hears of the witches predictions that he will become thane of Cawdor, he is scared we know this by what Banquo says to Macbeth ;" Good Sir, why do you start, and seem to fear " But after they have spoken more, he wishes them to stay and tell him how this can be true as he does not see how this is possible. They vanish in to the air and Macbeth says he " Would they had stay,d ? " which means he wished they had stayed to find out what they meant . When the kings servants arrive to tell Macbeth he has the title of Thane of Cawdor , Macbeth does not believe them when they explain though that the thane of Cawdor has been executed he is very happy he says; " As happy prologues to the swelling act

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