Whitner Autoplex Research Process

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Research Process Paper Whitner Autoplex must consider a number of factors regarding the research process. Organizations rely heavily on the results of research prior to making decisions, which will affect the success of the organization. In this paper Team A will effectively establish a purpose statement, define the purpose of research, discuss the importance of the research problem, and form a research hypothesis. Team A will also define the origins of the samples, consider the possibility of biases or errors, provide insight into the data collection process, and discus the ethical concern. The descriptive statistical data provided by Team A will provide calculations of precise measurements, which are displayed on graphs. Finally, Team A…show more content…
When collecting data every detail is important. Practicing proper ethic techniques while collecting data may prevent future lawsuits or other potential risks. Some of the potential ethical concerns concerning the data from the Whitner Autoplex are that small amounts of test subjects do not provide the most accurate information; the data may be inaccurate do to rebates not included in the data, and customer privacy. The data set is only providing information on Whitner Autoplex, and the customers who buy products for Whitner may only like certain vehicles. The data set would gain validity if more test subjects from different Autoplex were included. The data analysts should note the data set information on if the rebates are included in the figures or left out. The consumer may receive false information or slightly misleading information to entice the buyer to visit the Whitner Autoplex based on cheaper prices. This data set does not provide the analyst with personal information on the consumers but in some cases personal information will be included, and the analyst must be careful to not let the information out to where someone could improperly use the…show more content…
Central tendencies definition is basically where the most data lies. The central tendency measure is a combination of three measures. It is measured by mean, the mode, and the median. When a researcher may need dispersion data, this is done by including the range, the standard deviation, and the variance. The variance means the central tendency or mean. The interquartile range is best described where the median is the central tendency. The mean of central tendency allows the researcher to get an idea of the data. It will give a manager or employee a general idea of what tasks needs to be complete to achieve desirable results. The dispersion can be different with data that have the same
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