White House Research Paper

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Essence Rowe February 17, 2014 Mrs. Browning, ELA 3rd Block Rough Draft The white house is a very important building in U.S history. With its location in Washington D.C it brings many visitors every day. It also is home to all of the presidents and they live there while they serve there presidency term. the building is very special and has been through major construction four times to keep it safe and looking beautiful. The white house also known as the presidents’ palace began its construction about 200 years ago. George Washington thought it was a good idea for each president to have there own special place to live in so in 1791 washington selected the place where the white house would be built. John Adams and his wife were the first people to live in the white house still not finished in 1800. The white house is also a symbol of peace and important. But not always has the white house had such a good appearance. In the war of 1812 british soldiers burned down the white house as…show more content…
The first African American president if the united states. He first won the election agianst john McCain in 2008. And has ever since served our country while living in the white house. He shares the house with his wife, the first lady michelle obama. The white house is not under any current cunstruction. So the white house remains the same. But Inside the famous building there are1 32 rooms, 35 bathrooms, 6 levels, 412 doors, 147 windows, 28 fireplaces, 8 staircases, 3 elevators. The white house kitchen can serve 140 guests. And 570 gallons of paint cover the outside surface. Right now Barack Obama is solving some of the united states greatest problems in the white house. Such as taxes, jobs, and education. President Obama would not be able to solve these problems without the house. Over 6,000 U.S citizens visit the white house every day. The tour of the white house is schedualed for at least 6 times a

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