When Math Is Used in Your Everyday Life

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Addison McGillicuddy Period 4 How We Use Math In Everyday Life Math is a valuable tool that every human being should have. Math is very important and without it we would not be able to do a lot of things. It is used everyday without us even knowing it. fOne way that math is used in your life is when you cook. When you cook you are measuring things and putting fractions of an ingredient in a bowl. if we didn't have math then we would not be able to know how much of one thing you need to put in to make your meal. We don’t ever realize what we use math for and how often we use it. When I cook I never realize that I am using so much math. Another time you use math outside of school is when you bank. Mostly when you become an adult you have a bank account and bank accounts are all about math and being able to deal with numbers. When you become older you need to be able to count, add and subtract. Adults will usually know how to do this still because they learn it at a young age and have been doing it ever since. One more way you can use math in your everyday life is when you are paying your bill at the end of a meal at a restaurant. When you are paying your bill and need to tip the waiter you use math by taking 20% of the bill. Without math people would not know how much you need to tip the person and know if you are giving too much or too little. When you are tiping someone you tip them on the quality of their performance and you need to know how much and the only way you will know is if you math. We use math everyday whether we know it or not and it helps us so much throughout our day. When we cook, bank, and pay bills you need math and we never realize that we need it. Math is a very important part of our daily routine and we need to start early to make a basis of our math skills.

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