Whats the Matter with Kids Today

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What’s the Matter with Kid’s Today? Internet usage today has become part of people’s everyday lives and thinking. Everything is revolved around the internet because people generally have easy access to it. Whether its through a smart phone, ipad, ereader, or laptop its so convenient. We’re exposed to it everywhere, its impossible to ignore. It affects everyone’s lives, whether they want it to or not. From banking to shopping, our options are endless. The fact is that we have gotten more lazy and we love that we do not even have to open a textbook to search anything in the world. The internet can effect us in many positive and negative ways. I feel that the internet should almost be considered a drug. It is addicting and people can take advantage of it. Young teens get lured by the free games, live games that seem to almost be real, and they seem to never want to stop playing. People become glued to the internet like people have to television and their cell phones. Even the people who speak only negative of computer and internet usage are exposed to it daily, and are forced to use it for certain jobs. For example, when ordering food the orders are placed on a computer and paid for through the internet. Over thirty-three million American’s were proven to be fluent in texting, emailing, blogging, IM’ing and social networks. (Goldwasser, 667) Even people who can’t spell can text because everything is either abbreviated, or the device understands the word trying to be spelled so it finishes it for you. This requires no thinking skills, and we can just hope that after seeing it many times that it finally gets memorized. This is a major reason why young people today may struggle. People need to learn how to become more proactive in what they do. Lessing, an 88-year-old women puts in good terms that the internet has “seduced a whole generation into its inanities.”

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