What Was the Reason for the Fall of Tsar Nicholas in 1917?

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The fall of the Tsar in Russia in 1917 was the culmination of many factors. It was clear since the beginning of his reign that Nicholas II was not suited to his role as Tsar, mainly due to his character and personality. Although Nicholas II issued the October Manifesto to pacify the discontent of people temporarily, he still had to face some problems after the 1905 Revolution. To regain the support from people, he needed to carry out the reforms in the October Manifesto. His reform included different aspect; such as political, social and economic. He also appointed Peter Stolypin as the prime minister to stabilize the country. Nicholas II had tried his best to regain people’s support and stop the revolution tide through the reforms however resentment of his wife and her involvement with the mystical Rasputin was widespread and did little to regain the peoples trust. Also the state of the country during World War One left a lot to be desired and created a lot of dissatisfaction amongst the Russian people. The personality of Nicholas II contributed to his downfall in 1917. Nicholas II did not have the personal attributes necessary to bring Russia effectively out of its problems: he was shy and quiet, and easily led. He was not charismatic and this did nothing more to endear him to the people of Russia once they had started to once again lose faith in him after the 1905 revolution. The Memoirs of Count Witte in 1912 and the diary of the Tsars sister shows these attributes to be correct, both agreeing the Tsar is ‘not unintelligent’ and ‘he means well’ however he was ‘trained as a soldier’ and seemed ‘incapable of steering the ship of state into a quiet harbour’ overall condemning Nicholas II unfit to rule; however not completely blaming him for this lack of characteristic, and rather the way he was brought up as a soldier instead of a leader. This upbringing was a
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