"What Terrified Me Will Terrify Others; and I Need Only Describe the Spectre Which Haunted My Midnight Pillow." Mary Shelley. How Do You Respond to Mary Shelley's Presentation of the Creature in Frankenstein?

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Mary Shelley creates fear in the reader in the presentation of the Creature; she does this in the description of his appearance, his actions and his birth. However, depending on the context, readers interpret and respond differently to the Creature; we also begin the feel sympathy with him as the novel progresses therefore making his character less horrifying. Shelley first develops a sense of fear in the creation of the Creature; it is Frankenstein’s language that draws the reader in, ‘I possessed the capacity of bestowing animation’, the idea of creating life is not presented in a positive light but instead Shelley uses the simile ‘like a hurricane’ to display Frankenstein’s feelings, suggesting that the consequences of his decisions will not be easily overcome. Frankenstein’s description of the setting ‘a dreary night of November’ creates dark and dismal imagery therefore setting the reader up for something unpleasant; this feeling is then fulfilled with the adjective ‘dull yellow eye’ when the Creature first awakes, the image of a yellow eye suggests something inhuman. When ‘Frankenstein’ was first published, the response to the idea of creating life would have been different to the reaction of the present readers as in comparison to the present year there was little scientific knowledge. The description of the Creature then creates a further element of fear within the reader; his looks are illustrated as abnormal yet still resemble the frame of a man. Frankenstein labels the Creature as a ‘wretch’, this description frequently appears throughout the novel emphasising his harsh appearance, the reader is able to build a clear image of the Creature, his ‘yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles’ reintroduces the truth of the circumstances that he is barely human and has been created from a dead body, this evokes further fear and horror as

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